Sunday, September 11, 2016


This semester we (as a course) will create a blog that showcases our work and will be shared publicly as well as with individuals who will give us feedback and comments.  By definition, a blog is a Webpage created by an individual or group and is usually written with informal or conversational English.

You will be responsible for posting the following products on our blog by our established deadlines.

  1. Using the knowledge you have gained from the interest survey and/or inventory, the career cluster information and the 2 careers you researched, you will write a 250 word response about what you learned in the process.  Use these questions to guide you: Based on the Interest Inventory we did in class what career cluster best suits your personality?  Are you interested in a career in that career cluster? Why or Why not? What surprised you the most?  Before completing the Interest Inventory, what career did you think you were best suited for and why?
  2. Social Awareness Ad
  3. Easy Bib Samples- you will be responsible for finding three good sources of information about your career cluster and using Easy Bib cite the sources on our blog.  We will post them under the heading: Career Resources.
  4. Your Documentary - using your cell phone, you will create a video documentary.  It can not be more than 5 minutes long and it must describe or highlight your work role, community role, leisure role, personal role, family role, personal role.  Your documentary needs to be emailed to me for approval.  After I have watched and approved the video, you must post it on YouTube and make it public. Then post the link to your YouTube video on our blog.  We will view each other’s videos and comment on at least 6.
  5. 6 Word Memoir - You will write a 6 word memoir that encompasses the HEART of your documentary and then post on our blog.
  6. Paideia Seminar Activity - A Paideia Seminar is an intellectual conversation. It will be facilitated by Dr. J (Dr. Jennifer Mangrum, UNCG).  In the Paideia Seminar, students are responsible for developing the conversation and will practice listening and speaking skills.  There will be a post-seminar activity assigned by Dr. J and you will be required to complete the task and post it on our blog.

We want this blog to be useful, interesting, and engaging.  I hope that in creating it, we will learn a lot about each other and about ourselves.  We will start the process of planning a career and in the process we will practice using technology and communicating through viewing, speaking, listening, writing, researching and reading.  I want this blog to reflect the students at Broughton so if you have additional ideas for the blog, just let me know.

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